Monday, November 10, 2008

Thailand Political

Thailand under Military Coup
Thailand has multi-party system. The most popular is Democratic. The first one is Parkprachatipat which is the under leader of Apisit Wetchachewa, another one is Thai-rak-thai it is the under leader of Thaksin Chinwatta. In 2005, Thai-rak-thai had selected seats over the other party and became the first to set up the government. It is important that Taksin was the first candidate to run his campaign. The problem was we knew Thaksin government was corrupt. He used his power to put in policies. He get the benefit to his family and own business. He sold his company (Telecommunication) to Singapore without Tax. He changed the laws for support his family. He gave the share holder to his daughter. Taksin government was the first stay for a full four years term. After that we had to do election again, but the election was cancelled after military coup while Thansin was in NY. The government under military coup affected the country in many ways

The first effect was the stress in my family. The relationship in my family was not good because everybody was stressed out. My family worked in business for long time. We have an own business. Business was growth up. We had a lot of customers. When we order products from supplier we got credit almost 60 days to pay. After political crisis, when we order we had to pay cash or chek right away. When the military coup in change government the consumer products price was high. People didn’t want to spent money. We had to use money that we kept in the bank to support our business. It made big damage to my family and my country.

The second effect, the political caused the economy down. Before this situation happen the economy of Thailand was growth up. We had tourists visit Thailand more than one million per year. People had jobs and good income. Thailand the land of smile in Southeast Asia also have many attractive places for tourists. We have beautiful place and good tastes of food. After military coup we were attacked by terrorists. The tourists anxious to visit Thailand because international reporters are warning about traveling to Thailand. Everything shut down because effect from the political crisis. People lost their job they didn’t have enough money to spend.

Finally effect, we lost safety & security. Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand. Most of the tourism came to Thailand because they want to come to visit Bangkok. Bangkok never ending traffic. Pollution and bright lights and you can enjoy in the city without crime all night. If you get lost while you were travel you can ask everybody. Then after a military coup the state of emergency that was happened. People fear to going out. We also saw military man around the street. One week after political crisis we have state of emergency. People weren’t allowed leave to the house after 8:00 pm. In many provinces especially south of Thailand was dangerous. We had many places damaged by crime.

Two years have passed since that situation. It is not easy to forget that day. We got stress in my family. Our business fell down and we lost a lot of income. It did not affect only me and my family but it affected our country. The economy was down many countries don’t want to make and investment in my country. Many companies layed off employees. It is not secure for people to leave out anytime. The political crisis made city in trouble. The political crisis was the worst experience in my life. We are all waiting to the politicians to solve problem so Thailand can return to “The Land of smile”

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