Saturday, November 15, 2008

Who is the real hero?
In one of the states in United States of America there is a family who had a pride of their own. They are happy and love each other desperately, and they are the family of cops. Everyone feels safe when they see cops around them, but what about those kinds of cops shown in the movie who rob the store? It is a big question that strikes my mind.
Director Gavin O’Connor with the star Colin Farrell, Edward Norton, John Voight, Jennifer Ehle, and John Ortiz released a movie in 2008. The movie showed the two different sides of humans and cops are none other than “Pride and Glory”.
The movie compares the two cops of the same family, one demonstrates the truth and loyalty, and the other demonstrates lies and betrayal. Edward Norton is a cop who is loyal to his job, family and who believes in doing the right thing right way whereas Colin Farrell is casted as his brother in law who betrays the family, the police department, and his wife. In summary, this movie talks about the corrupt cops who gets in trouble and finally has to pay back by giving his life and leaving his family alone.
In the movie, there is a scene when Ray finds out that his brother in law is involved in the corruption and killing his mates. He then tries to convince the brother in law to surrender and leave the happy life, but again his brother in law betrays him. This part interested me a lot because at this point Ray thought of the family and the pride they shared for so many years, and from nowhere, his brother- in- law ruins all the pride and glory which their father have built.
I would like to recommend this movie to adults because
I think this movie tries to provide knowledge to adults about what pride and glory really is and how it can be ruined with in a flash of a second. When one watches the movie, it seems like nothing happened, but after the movie is over, one will find out the real meaning of “Pride and Glory”. I really liked the movie because it tried to explain the cause and effect of the person who follows the truth and the person who follows the lies. I also liked it because in a family if one family member commits any mistake, then it affects all the members of the family. For example, in the movie the mistake was committed by Ray’s brother- in-law and that ruined the family and the pride which required a lot of years to gain. I give the movie 3 stars.

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