Monday, October 20, 2008

My Decision

When I decided to move to another country my intentions were never to abandon my roots I just open a new page in my life that would help me become stronger to achieve my dreams. The fact that I would be another resident in the new city made me ask myself all kind of questions. How I would be able to interact with people in my own language? How could Christmas be from now on? Being in a different place, would I be able to find the typical food? Therefore, I will have to force my self and learn the new language. In addition, I will have to understand that I would be celebrating every 25th of December far from home. And, that I would have to adapt my self with the new cooking styles different from mine. As a result from my decision I am still adapting into several situations, the new language, the Christmas event and the topic food are still hard situations to put in practice in the new country.

First, the new language I was facing has put me through very different moments. It has been very hard to communicate with others. At first, I could not understand what the new world was offering me. Wherever I go, everyone I tried to talk with and every thought I wanted to express was an inability to communicate. It is a slow mental-process in which I still have to absorb as much as information I can in order to exercise my brain. So then soon I will be speaking fluent the language and I’ll be closer to my goals that would send me towards new opportunities.

Another matter I have been facing every year is the classic Christmas Holiday, and that it should be spending with the whole family. It is hard sometimes to find this perfect time, because it is frustrating not be able to get together with my relatives. Despite the remoteness, I decided that I would be helpful to create unusual activities. Thus along all the decorations, my family and I we try to adapt this excitement day in our annual event playing board games and putting up the lights. Even more so, this holiday makes people realize what we all have, and makes me feel thankful to have my brother and mother by my side.

Before moving, food was also something I thought about. Where I ever would find the elements, flavors and dishes that I find back home? The preparations of the new cooking styles were very different mainly because I still cannot find the exact flavor of the typical food. Evidently another effect that emerged was the income I have to spend in order to find the exact topics. For instance, vegetables are much more expensive than in my country. Nowadays it is just the matter to grasp the procedure of every plate so I can feel the original and natural taste from back home.

The fact to move into another country was the best decision I could have done, because I am learning new things of how to handle life no matter the place. In fact what surprise me more was how people appreciate more life when they are far away. Gradually, I am still assimilating the result of my decision, even though I have been living in the country for about two years. However it may be, I am still learning the language, I will always yearn for the day I can reunite with my family and celebrate Christmas, and I am going to look forward for the day I can taste my traditional dishes again.


carol said...

I didn't know before reading your essay that Colombians have so many strange and interesting customs to celebrate the New Year.Sometimes it is diffcult to follow the same customs in another country.

janeth said...

I think your words are very powerful, specially the sentence that said: "I just open a new page in mt life that would help me become stronger to achieve my dream". I love it! It is very poetic and strong.

Marcela D. said...

I agree Carol, sometimes it is difficult to follow others customs. I have to say that I am not from Colombia, even thought I like them a lot.

janeth said...

Marcela,I think Carol's comment was about my Essay, she probably made a mistake, I am not sure. My essay talks about Colombian customs to celebrate the new year.

marine said...

I totally understood your feeling about your first adjustment. When you say" my intentions were never to abandon my roots I just open a new page in my life that would help me become stronger to achieve my dreams ", I 100 percent, do agree with you. Are you still the same? Currently, I feel like I 'm not sure about my roots and the desire to stay in stuck with them.

Marcela D. said...

Sometimes I feel that I don’t belong to my country anymore because I haven’t been there for a little while. But at the same time I know that I don’t belong here either as I am still trying to adjust into the changes that moving from my country attract.
But all this feelings are just at times.